Rubberized Silicone Roof Coating 44-300
Premium Silicone rubber roof ideal for ponding water
Apply to: Metal, Single Ply, polyurethane, bitumen, asphaltic roofs
Restores aging roof with basically no roof tear-off
Minimize costs by up to 20-50% compared to roof replacement
Seamless, reliable, complete membrane protection
Waterproof old roof and extend its lifespan
Resist decay, weathering, strong winds, sun damage, and other hazards
Reflect up to 85% of sun's rays
Reduce building's environmental footprint
5 Gallon Pail
55 Gallon Drum
One Flash KST051920
Permanent roof repair sealant
Durable weather resistant seal
Premier flashing grade
UV stable permanent and flexible
Excellent adhesion to a variety of substrates
2 Gal pail / 50 sq. ft.
Eliminates the need for fabric reinforcement resulting in less steps and reduced labor time
No fabric or tape needed for gaps less than 1/8"
Recommended Uses:
Perimeter sealing around Through-Roof Projections
Termination Points
Side and End Laps of Metal Building Panels
Scrim Edges
Performance Characteristics:
Tensile Strength: 115 Psi
Elongation At Break (%): 732%
Type "A" Hardness: 25
20 Oz Sausage
2 Gallon Pail
5 Gallon Pail